Monday, September 27, 2010

Dirt Bikes for Both Amateurs and Experts Alike

Whether you are an amateur or an expert, you will find this article about dirt biking helpful. Everywhere I go, people always ask me about motor bike games. I am always surprised by the shear quantity of questions I receive about it all. I did not think that Motocross racing was that big of a deal but apparently it is. Who would have known that I would be featured at this year's Dirt Bike convention in Vegas and go on to win an achievement award to boot. So I guess you could call me a bit of a local celebrity, on the subject, but I don't let the attention get to my head.

People ask me how I got my start and how I got to where I am today, so I always refer them to Dirt Biking Magazine. Until you have have read every single page of Dirt Biking Magazine you are not ready to ride with the best of them. In retrospect, getting involved these days is a much less intensive process than it was for me. When I first began, you had to strap on a helmet, shine your bike and hope you get picked before I could even get your feet wet. Now everything about riding bikes is readily available on the internet at your leisure so you can just log on and get acquainted.

While there are some great dirt bikers today, I feel like the golden age of our craft has subsided. The cadets joining these days are eager beavers, that's for sure but they are searching for all the wrong things in all the wrong places. Here's what they ask me every day.

"-Where should I shop for a dirt bike?

-What books about dirt biking should I be reading?

-What if I mess up when I'm just learning to ride with no hands?

Any rider worth his salt will tell you that mastering dirt bike games is all about being first to the finish line but it is not about being first out of the gate. You must know how to crawl before you walk, and you have to know how to walk before you can run. Most people who try to ride fail their first time, and so did I. Although they were helpful, my colleagues who introduced me to my life's work were probably filled with remorse because I simply could not stop talking about it all. It was too exciting for me. My development came to a standstill early on but I had a eureka moment that changed everything for me when I began to get into some online bike games and Dirt Bike Weekly and instead started focusing on Riders United Quarterly which was really the key to my success. I started reading more and more about how to use a dirt bike, stopped focusing on the glitz and glamour and instead turned my attention to riding hard with my God given tools and talents.

Practically overnight, I saw my fear of crashing disappear, and I started seeing the results that I wanted to see. Many people ask me what the key to teaching others to ride is and I always say that only 30 percent of what I do is actually teaching about steering carefully. What's left, the 70 is merely a matter of sweat, tears, and anguish. Your clients need to know what kind of commitment this is and follow through with it. And if you crash, remember you could have always crash and burn, so hold your head up high and know that you're on track to become a world class dirt bike racer.


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